No Laughing Matter! The Healing Benefits of Laughter
This post on Laughter is written by Maya Bauer
Science has shown that laughter is not just a temporary mood booster; it’s a powerful force that can significantly improve your overall well-being. From stress relief to social bonding, laughter is the best medicine.
Our brain’s motivation and reward centers need to be activated regularly, or they go offline. Funny enough, we have to practice feeling good to feel good. Regular laughter is one of the easiest ways to stimulate these key areas in our brains. Laughing improves mood and decreases feelings of stress and anxiety by boosting dopamine and serotonin, the “feel good” chemicals.
Laughter has a myriad of benefits, both psychological and physiological. Check some of them out below!
Relaxation & Stress Relief

Almost immediately, laughter reduces stress in our bodies by releasing our endorphins. Not only that, but laughter also actually reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which, when elevated, can contribute to numerous health concerns like anxiety and a weakened immune system.
Immune System Boost
Believe it or not, laughter can give your immune system a boost. A good chuckle can increase your body’s production of antibodies and activate immune cells, including T-cells, which are vital in fighting off illness. This means that regular laughter can improve your body’s resistance to disease.
Lighten Your Mood
Laughter lightens your mood, enables you to release pent-up emotions, and creates a sense of joy that can sprinkle some sunshine into other areas of life. Regular laughter can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety by releasing those “feel good” neurotransmitters that foster a positive mental state. It encourages a more optimistic outlook on life and makes it easier to deal with difficult situations.
Improve Blood Flow Throughout Your Body

A hearty laugh pumps up blood flow in the body, just like a good workout. Increased blood flow and blood vessel function protect against heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues.
Relieve Pain
Another surprising benefit of laughter is its ability to relieve pain. The endorphins released during laughter act as natural painkillers, helping to ease chronic pain and discomfort.
Beyond the incredible benefits of laughter in our bodies…
Laughter’s ability to strengthen relationships makes it a valuable tool, as well!
In a 2004 study at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, psychologists tracked nervous system activity in psychiatrists and their patients during sessions. Despite the serious topics of discussion, there were an average of 15 laughs during 50-minute sessions, with patients responsible for twice as many chuckles. Nervous system activity in both individuals was elevated even when only one person was laughing. When they laughed together, it spiked significantly, temporarily increasing blood pressure and heart rate, getting that oxygenated blood pumping. This contagious laughter signified the validation of emotions and a stronger connection between patients and their therapists
There are so many amazing benefits from laughter, but as we get older, the number of laughs we log in a day can be few and far between. The stress and busyness of daily life can easily put our inner child’s playful desires on the back burner. Learning, or re-learning, how to laugh is a powerful tool for managing stressors and feeling that radiant aliveness that makes life worth living.
Inspired by the ever-popular Laughing Yoga movement. The theory behind Laughing Yoga suggests that the body doesn’t know the difference between genuine and self-induced laughter.
That said, here’s my invitation: begin by breathing long, deep breaths alone or with a group. Then, try laughing. Yes, it will probably feel uncomfortable to make yourself laugh at nothing. But I invite you to push past the discomfort and let out a hearty laugh straight from the belly of your inner child. Keep the laughter going, and eventually, it may become real laughter!
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